Weekly Update | Only 5 more weeks of Lecture Phase

This week in Rwanda has been good. We weren’t able to get a speaker to come and give the lecture for our Discipleship Training School, so we decided to divide up the weeks’ teaching between the staff. I ended up teaching two days on the cost of discipleship.

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I made a powerpoint presentation, which I haven’t done since I was in school, so it was somewhat nostalgic. The students seemed engaged and attentive. I was happy to hear any questions they had because I definitely do better in discussion style lectures. It went really well and they all learned a lot.


Sue and I helped plan and set up a night of “Surrender to God” for the students. We had a time of prayer and meditation where we asked God if there was anything we were personally holding on to that it was time to let go of. Maybe a bad relationship, or an unhealthy habit, or a negative attitude. Then we had a feast of fruit and tea and banana cake. It’s been great being part of something real and powerful. The students are opening up to us and I can call them my friends now.

There’s been a big retreat of about fifty people from Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda staying at the base. The meal times have been wild. Sue and I made breakfast today and I’ve never seen scrambled eggs like that before. Also we eat beans like everyday. But this last time randomly they got a little more burnt and the flavors were actually quite nice.

Also the the YWAM team from Kona (who have been in Uganda for the second part of their outreach) came back to the base today. We’re all happy to see them and hear all their stories about Uganda. We’re looking forward to what is to come as we prepare for outreach. We only have 5 short weeks of lecture left before we leave for the big outreach to The Eastern Province. The adventure continues; and as we’re learning, will never end!

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